All files / lib/date-input date-input.component.ts

98.63% Statements 289/293
98.14% Branches 53/54
100% Functions 22/22
98.63% Lines 289/293

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 * Copyright bei
 * Entwicklungs- und Pflegeverbund für das gemeinsame Fachverfahren gefa
import { Component, ElementRef, Input, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { computeErrorTextPrefix } from '../utils/internal-utils';
import {
} from '../utils/util.types';
import { createWidgetKeySet, isInvalidControlValue } from '../utils/utilities';
import { BaseDateTimeComponent } from '../time-input/base-date-time.component';
interface DateFormula {
  getDate: (text: string) => DateTime;
  match: RegExp;
const ERROR_TEXT_INVALID_FORMAT = 'Falsches Eingabeformat';
const ERROR_TEXT_NONEXISTENT_DATE = 'Datum existiert nicht';
const DATE_FORMAT = 'dd.MM.yyyy';
    format: 'dd.MM.yyyy',
    regex: /^\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}$/,
    format: 'ddMM',
    regex: /^\d{4}$/,
    format: 'ddMMyyyy',
    regex: /^\d{8}$/,
    format: 'd.M.',
    regex: /^\d\.\d\.$/,
    format: 'd.MM.',
    regex: /^\d\.\d{2}\.$/,
    format: 'dd.M.',
    regex: /^\d{2}\.\d\.$/,
    format: 'dd.MM.',
    regex: /^\d{2}\.\d{2}\.$/,
    format: 'd.M.yyyy',
    regex: /^\d\.\d\.\d{4}$/,
    format: 'dd.M.yyyy',
    regex: /^\d{2}\.\d\.\d{4}$/,
    format: 'd.MM.yyyy',
    regex: /^\d\.\d{2}\.\d{4}$/,
    format: 'yyyy-MM-dd',
    regex: /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/,
const SUPPORTED_FORMULAS: DateFormula[] = [
    getDate: (text: string) =>{ days: Number(text.slice(0, text.length - 1)) }),
    match: /^(\d+)([tT])$/,
    getDate: (text: string) =>{ weeks: Number(text.slice(0, text.length - 1)) }),
    match: /^(\d+)([wW])$/,
    getDate: (text: string) =>{ months: Number(text.slice(0, text.length - 1)) }),
    match: /^(\d+)([mM])$/,
    getDate: (text: string) =>{ years: Number(text.slice(0, text.length - 1)) }),
    match: /^(\d+)([jJ])$/,
    getDate: () =>,
    match: /^h$/,
    getDate: () =>{ days: 1 }),
    match: /^g$/,
    getDate: () =>{ days: 1 }),
    match: /^m$/,
 * A Date input component that allows the user to type in or select a date from the calendar.
  selector: 'gc-date-input',
  templateUrl: './date-input.component.html',
  styleUrls: [
export class DateInputComponent extends BaseDateTimeComponent {
  // maximum input length - equals the length of a fully formatted (local) date
  public static readonly _INPUT_MAX_LENGTH = 10;
   * Overrides the default text which is shown when the control is readonly and empty.
  public readonlyEmptyValue = '';
  /** @ignore */
  public _sizeHelperValue = '';
  /** @ignore */
  protected _inputElement!: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>;
   * Current value of the date input, in ISO 8601 format.
  public override get value(): Nullable<string | InvalidControlValue> {
    return super.value;
  public override set value(value: Nullable<string | InvalidControlValue>) {
    super.value = value;
    if (isInvalidControlValue(value)) {
      this.text = value.rawValue;
      this.internalErrorMessage = this.generateErrorMsg(value.rawValue);
    } else if (value !== null) {
      const d = DateTime.fromISO(value);
      this.text = d.toFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
      this.internalErrorMessage = '';
    } else {
      this.text = '';
      this.internalErrorMessage = '';
   * @ignore
   * Helper to access static property in an Angular binding.
  public get maxLength() {
    return DateInputComponent._INPUT_MAX_LENGTH;
  /** @ignore */
  protected get inputElement(): ElementRef<HTMLInputElement> {
    return this._inputElement;
  /** @ignore */
  protected readonly _widgetKeys: WidgetKeySet = createWidgetKeySet('gc-date');
   * displayed on readonly when readonlyEmptyValue is empty
   * @ignore
  protected readonly READONLY_DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE = '\u2013';
   * @ignore
  protected updateValue(text: string): void {
    if (text === '') {
      this.value = null;
    } else {
      const computedDateFromText = this.computeTextToDate(text);
      const date =
        computedDateFromText ?? DateTime.fromFormat(text, DATE_FORMAT);
      const dateISO = date.toISODate();
      // check whether the date will be represented in expanded ISO format,
      // years which require more than 4 digits would require an additional prefix ('+/-')
      // with an exchangeable interpretation (e.g. Luxon library simply adds the prefix and continues counting)
      // -> as we don't need to support such distant dates large values which would
      // require special handling/interpretation are considered invalid
      // see ISO 8601:2004, 3.5
      const dateISOExpanded = date.year > 9999 || date.year < 0;
      if (date.isValid && !dateISOExpanded) {
        this.value = dateISO;
      } else {
        this.value = {
          kind: 'InvalidControlInput',
          rawValue: text,
          errorMessage: this.generateErrorMsg(text),
        // error message updated automatically in 'value' setter
  /** @ignore */
  protected getLabelId(): string {
    return this._widgetKeys.labelKey;
  /** @ignore */
  protected getInputId(): string {
    return this._widgetKeys.widgetKey;
  /** @ignore */
  protected computeAriaDescribedBy(): string | null {
    return this._infoMessageId ?? null;
  /** @ignore */
  protected sizeHelperText(): string {
    if (this.readonly && this.text.length === 0) {
      if (this.readonlyEmptyValue === '') {
      } else {
        return this.readonlyEmptyValue;
    } else if (this._sizeHelperValue) {
      return this._sizeHelperValue;
    } else {
      return this.text;
   * @ignore
  private computeTextToDate(text: string): DateTime | undefined {
    const foundFormula = this.findFormula(text);
    return foundFormula
      ? foundFormula.getDate(text)
      : this.computeDateFromTextFormat(text);
   * @ignore
  private findFormula(text: string): DateFormula | undefined {
    return SUPPORTED_FORMULAS.find(
      i => i.match.exec(text.toLowerCase())?.input,
   * @ignore
  private computeDateFromTextFormat(text: string): DateTime | undefined {
    const foundFormat = SUPPORTED_FORMATS.find(
      i => i.regex.exec(text)?.input,
    return foundFormat ? DateTime.fromFormat(text, foundFormat) : undefined;
   * @ignore
  private generateErrorMsg(inputValue: string): string {
    const errorPrefix = computeErrorTextPrefix(
    const errorMessage = this.computeDateFromTextFormat(inputValue)
    return errorPrefix + errorMessage;