All files / lib/picker picker.component.ts

97.59% Statements 365/374
89.7% Branches 61/68
96% Functions 24/25
97.59% Lines 365/374

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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 * Copyright bei
 * Entwicklungs- und Pflegeverbund für das gemeinsame Fachverfahren gefa
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { BaseIndexedItem, textToLine } from '../utils/internal-utils';
import { FormControlStatus, Item, WidgetKeySet } from '../utils/util.types';
import { SoundType, createWidgetKeySet, playSound } from '../utils/utilities';
import { ElementInsertionContextService } from '../internal/element-insertion-context.service';
import {
} from '../internal/label-container/label-container.component';
import { SelectionEvent } from '../internal/listbox.directive';
import { BasePickerComponent, KeyFocusTarget } from './base-picker.component';
 * Alignment to use by the popup
 * <ul>
 * <li>Start: aligned to the left edge of the picker</li>
 * <li>Fill: fills the complete width of the picker</li>
 * <li>End: aligned to the right edge of the picker</li>
 * </ul>
export type PopupAlignment = 'start' | 'end' | 'fill';
const NO_VALUE_ITEM_SYMBOL: unique symbol = Symbol('no-value');
 * A Picker allowing the user to choose an item from a collapsible list of options.
  selector: 'gc-picker',
  templateUrl: './picker.component.html',
  styleUrls: [
export class PickerComponent<T, I extends Item = Item>
  extends BasePickerComponent<T, I>
  implements OnChanges
  /** Inform about the change of the selection state */
  public readonly valueChange: EventEmitter<T | null> =
    new EventEmitter<T | null>();
  /** The label that shows on the input. */
  public label = '';
  /** Marks the input field as required. true == required */
  public required = false;
  /** A hint message that will appear below the picker if set. */
  public hint = '';
  /** Optional icon provider to use for the selected entry */
  public iconProvider?: TemplateRef<unknown>;
  /** Optional icon provider to use for the entries in the popup list */
  public listIconProvider?: TemplateRef<unknown>;
  /** variant of the picker */
  public variant: 'default' | 'condensed' | 'toggle-list' = 'default';
   * Defines how the content is displayed for the toggle-list variant:
   * - icon-only: only the icon is shown
   * - icon-left: icon is shown on the left of the text
   * - text-only: only text is displayed
  public contentDisplay: 'icon-left' | 'icon-only' | 'text-only' = 'text-only';
   * Alignment of the picker popup.
  public popupAlignment: PopupAlignment = 'fill';
   * If true, the component will be rendered in a slot-element mode.
   * This enables the component to be used in two-slot components (e.g. `gc-two-slot-label-container`).
   * @ignore
  public _slotElementMode?:
    | 'two-slot-label-container'
    | 'ext-search-single-field';
   * Error message id used when `_slotElementMode` is enabled.
   * @ignore
  public _errorMessageId?: string;
   * Info (hint) message id used when `_slotElementMode` is enabled.
   * @ignore
  public _infoMessageId?: string;
  /** Decides whether large or small icons appearing. */
  public smallIcons = false;
   * Overrides the default text which is shown when the control is readonly and empty.
  public readonlyEmptyValue = '';
   * Enables setting of the value only when the Promise resolves with value "true".
  public permitValueChange?: (v: T | null) => Promise<boolean> | boolean;
   * Signals changes of the current (combined) status of the component, e.g. also reports errors triggered by internal
   * validation or input handling.
  public readonly onStatusChange: EventEmitter<FormControlStatus> =
    new EventEmitter<FormControlStatus>(true);
  /** @ignore */
  public labelContainer?: LabelContainerComponent;
  /** @ignore */
  public drawerSlot?: ElementRef;
   * Enables resetting the value i.e. the selection of a no-value (undefined) item.
  public get resetEnabled() {
    return this._resetEnabled;
  public set resetEnabled(value) { = value ? this.noValueListboxItem.index + 1 : 0;
    this._resetEnabled = value;
   * The value represents the selected value
  public get value(): T | null {
    return ?? null;
  public set value(value: T | null) { = value ?? undefined;
  /** An error message that will appear below the picker if set. */
  public set errorMessage(message: string) {
    if (this._errorMessage !== message) {
      this._errorMessage = message;
  public get errorMessage(): string {
    return this._errorMessage;
  /** @ignore */
  protected readonly noValueListboxItem: BaseIndexedItem = {
    index: 0,
    label: '\u2013',
  /** @ignore */
  protected readonly _widgetKeys: WidgetKeySet =
  /** @ignore */
  protected _focused?: boolean;
  /** @ignore */
  protected readonly inDialog: boolean; // Workaround for
  private _errorMessage = '';
  /** @ignore */
  private _resetEnabled = false;
    itDiff: IterableDiffers,
    @Optional() eic: ElementInsertionContextService | null,
  ) {
    this.inDialog = eic?.parent.localName === 'dialog';
  /** @ignore */
  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
    if (
      'resetEnabled' in changes ||
      'items' in changes ||
      'itemAdapter' in changes
    ) {;
  /** @ignore */
  public override getAnker(): ElementRef {
    if (this.labelContainer) {
      return this.labelContainer.drawerSlot;
    } else if (this.drawerSlot) {
      return this.drawerSlot;
    throw new Error('Unable to find a drawer slot');
  /** @ignore */
  public override getScrollTarget(): ElementRef<HTMLElement> | undefined {
    return this.labelContainer?.boxEl;
   * @ignore
  public _processItemText(text: string) {
    return textToLine(text, 32, '<br>');
  /** @ignore */
  public override _impl_onFocusLeft(relatedTarget?: EventTarget | null): void {
    // We need to wait a tick so that the control is back
    // in a sync state
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (this.errorMessage.length > 0 || this._errorMessageId !== undefined) {
        void playSound(SoundType.ERROR);
  /** @ignore */
  public async _impl_onSelect(event: SelectionEvent): Promise<void> {
    if (typeof event.key === 'string' && !this._isDisabled(event.key)) {
      const value = ?? null;
      await this._impl_handleChange(value);
    } else if (event.key === NO_VALUE_ITEM_SYMBOL) {
      await this._impl_handleChange(null);
  /** @ignore */
  public async _impl_handleChange(value: T | null): Promise<void> {
    const doChange = () => {
      this.value = value;
    if (value !== this.value) {
      if (this.permitValueChange !== undefined) {
        // Close the dialog we'll anyways loose focus to the dialog
        const permit = this.permitValueChange(value);
        if (typeof permit !== 'boolean') {
          // permit is of type Promise<boolean>
          const proceed = await permit;
          if (proceed) {
        } else if (permit) {
          // permit is of type boolean
        // Move focus back to ourselves
        setTimeout(() => {
      } else {
  /** @ignore */
  protected _impl_onOpen(focusItem: KeyFocusTarget): KeyFocusTarget {
    // always open selected value if set
    if (this.value != undefined) {
      const key =;
      if (key != undefined) {
        focusItem = key;
    return focusItem;
  /** @ignore */
  protected _listboxId(autoId: AutoIdDirective): string {
    return autoId.autoId + '_listbox';
  /** @ignore */
  protected determineListBoxValue(): string | symbol {
    return ?? this.noValueListboxItem.key;
  /** @ignore */
  protected getLabelId(): string {
    return this._widgetKeys.labelKey;
  /** @ignore */
  protected getButtonId(): string {
    return this._widgetKeys.baseKey + '-button';
  /** @ignore */
  protected getListboxId(): string {
    return this._widgetKeys.labelKey + '-listbox';
  /** @ignore */
  protected computeAriaDescribedBy(): string | null {
    const errId = this._errorMessageId;
    const hintId = this._infoMessageId;
    if (errId && hintId) {
      return errId + ' ' + hintId;
    } else if (errId) {
      return errId;
    } else if (hintId) {
      return hintId;
    } else {
      return null;
  /** @ignore */
  private emitStatusChange() {
    const status: FormControlStatus = {};
    if (this.errorMessage) {
      status.error = [this.errorMessage];
