All files / lib/utils utilities.ts

97.55% Statements 279/286
95.74% Branches 45/47
100% Functions 16/16
97.55% Lines 279/286

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 * Copyright bei
 * Entwicklungs- und Pflegeverbund für das gemeinsame Fachverfahren gefa
import {
} from './util.types';
export function isObject(value: unknown): value is Record<string, unknown> {
  return typeof value === 'object' && value != null && !Array.isArray(value);
/** check if the value is of type HasLabel */
export function isLabled(item: unknown): item is HasLabel {
  return isObject(item) && 'label' in item;
/** check if the value is of type Item */
export function isItem(item: unknown): item is Item {
  return isObject(item) && 'label' in item && 'key' in item;
export function isItemGroup<T>(item: T | ItemGroup<T>): item is ItemGroup<T> {
  return isObject(item) && 'items' in item && Array.isArray(item.items);
export function isTreeItem(item: unknown): item is TreeItem<unknown> {
  return isTreeItemBasic(item);
export function isTreeItemBasic(item: unknown): item is TreeItemBasic<unknown> {
  if (!isItem(item)) {
    return false;
  } else {
    const treeItem: TreeItemBasic<unknown> = item;
    return (
      typeof treeItem.children === 'undefined' ||
/** check if the value is of type HasBadge */
export function isBadge(item: unknown): item is HasBadge {
  return isObject(item) && 'variant' in item && 'status' in item;
/** check if the value is of type WithHighlight */
export function isWithHighlight(item: unknown): item is WithHighlight {
  return (
    isObject(item) &&
    isObject(item.highlight) &&
    typeof item.highlight.variant === 'string' &&
    typeof item.highlight.color === 'string'
/** check if the value is of type WithBadge */
export function isWithBagde(item: unknown): item is WithBadge {
  return (
    isObject(item) &&
    'badge' in item &&
    isBadge(item.badge) &&
/** check if an element is of type FocusableElementOwner */
export function isFocusableElementOwner(
  element: unknown,
): element is FocusableElementOwner {
  return (
    isObject(element) &&
    typeof (element as unknown as FocusableElementOwner).focusChild ===
/** check if an element is of type FocusableRangeElementOwner */
export function isFocusableRangeElementOwner(
  element: unknown,
): element is FocusableRangeElementOwner {
  return (
    isObject(element) &&
    typeof (element as unknown as FocusableRangeElementOwner).focusRangeSlot ===
/** method to use as trackBy in ngFor */
export function itemTrack(item: Item): string {
  return item.key + item.label;
let audioCtx: AudioContext | undefined;
/** predefined sounds to play */
export enum SoundType {
  /** sound to play on error */
  /** sound representing a successful action */
  /** sound representing an appearance of a warning  */
  /** sound representing an appearance of a new information */
 * play one of the predefined sounds
 * @param type the predefined sound type
export async function playSound(type: SoundType): Promise<void> {
  await implPlaySound(type, false);
async function implPlaySound(
  type: SoundType,
  fromResume: boolean,
): Promise<void> {
  if (audioCtx === undefined) {
    try {
      audioCtx = new AudioContext();
    } catch (e) {
        'Unable to play sound because no AudioContext is available.',
   * Workaround for Firefox who starts in suspended mode and
   * hence does not play the sound upon initial creation
   * Current behavior:
   *  - FF: Starts with suspended => changes state to running => needs a small delay and is then ready
   *  - Chrome: Starts with running and does not enter this code block
   *  - Safar: Starts with suspended => changes state to running => could immediate play sound (would work also without this listener!)
  if (!fromResume && audioCtx.state === 'suspended') {
    await audioCtx.resume();
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r));
    return implPlaySound(type, true);
  if (type === SoundType.ERROR) {
    const oscillator = audioCtx.createOscillator();
    const gain = audioCtx.createGain();
    oscillator.type = 'sine';
    oscillator.frequency.value = 200;
    const time = audioCtx.currentTime;
    gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, time, 0.015);
    oscillator.stop(time + 0.09);
  if (type === SoundType.SUCCESS) {
    const oscillator = audioCtx.createOscillator();
    const gain = audioCtx.createGain();
    oscillator.type = 'sine';
    oscillator.frequency.value = 1200;
    const time = audioCtx.currentTime;
    gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, time, 0.08);
    oscillator.stop(time + 0.6);
  if (type === SoundType.WARNING) {
    const oscillator = audioCtx.createOscillator();
    const gain = audioCtx.createGain();
    oscillator.type = 'triangle';
    oscillator.frequency.value = 100;
    const time = audioCtx.currentTime;
    gain.gain.value = 5;
    gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, time, 0.08);
    oscillator.stop(time + 0.6);
  if (type === SoundType.INFO) {
    const oscillator = audioCtx.createOscillator();
    const gain = audioCtx.createGain();
    oscillator.type = 'triangle';
    oscillator.frequency.value = 500;
    const time = audioCtx.currentTime;
    gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, time, 0.08);
    oscillator.stop(time + 0.6);
 * function to flip the given value in the set
 * @param the original set
 * @param the value to add/remove from the set
export function flipSetValue<T>(set: ReadonlySet<T>, value: T): ReadonlySet<T> {
  if (set.has(value)) {
    return new Set([...set].filter(v => v !== value));
  } else {
    return new Set([...set, value]);
 * create a set of ids to use for widgets and parts of it
 * @param the prefix to use
export function createWidgetKeySet(prefix: string): WidgetKeySet {
  const baseKey = prefix + '-' + (WIDGET_COUNTER++).toString();
  const widgetKey = baseKey + '-widget';
  const labelKey = baseKey + '-label';
  const errorKey = baseKey + '-error';
  return { baseKey, widgetKey, labelKey, errorKey };
 * Check whether a FormControlStatus represents an "ok" state, i.e. has no errors or other messages set.
 * @param status the status to check
 * @returns `true` if the status represents an OK state
export function isStatusOk(status: Readonly<FormControlStatus>): boolean {
  // status is "ok" if no entry contains any messages
  for (const entry of formControlStatusTypeHelper) {
    if (status[entry]?.length) {
      return false;
  return true;
export function isInvalidControlValue(
  value: unknown,
): value is InvalidControlValue {
  if (isObject(value)) {
    const candidate: InvalidControlValue =
      value as unknown as InvalidControlValue;
    return (
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition -- need to check the discriminator of the object, the casting does not guarantee typesafety
      candidate.kind === 'InvalidControlInput' &&
      typeof candidate.rawValue === 'string'
  } else {
    return false;